Monday, November 16, 2009


Here is something I can't seem to get past this morning:

Jeremiah 29:13 If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. NLT

What does this mean? How does this fit with those who are not "Christian" as we define it? How gracious is God? How wide and deep and high and long is God's love? Would God allow people to be deceived when they are earnest in their search?

I can't seem to let go of this. Once again I am at a place where I find myself arguing with myself. Once again I have lots of questions. I remember in the not too distant past when I had the answer to all these types of questions. It was certainly easier. The problem is that my heart seems bigger now that I have more questions than answers.

I have a feeling this question is not going to leave me alone.


Kim Becker said...

Nice post. I too have been questioning a lot. And I know that my questions make some people uncomfortable. A lot of people want to think there is a clear answer for everything. I'm not sure there is.
The passage I have been pondering the meaning of is in John 14:6 "No one comes to the Father except through me." Does that really mean what we have always been told it means, or did Jesus mean something else by that? I am trying to look at it from all angles and look at other scripture for clues too, but I have questions. I think that's OK.

catd said...

Yes, hopefully Tuesday nights will be a place we can talk about this kind of thing without fear of being labeled heretical.

Kim Becker said...

Maybe, eventually, after those that would label us heretical have decided to leave. ;-) See you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Good questions. If God has said that He will meet those who seek Him with all their heart, then I believe He will. It is interesting to me that God doesn't say to seek Him with just our mind--He seems to be looking for those who have a real heart cry to grab onto Him and not let go, wrestling the whole way--the desperate, determined ones. Seems to me that such a wrestling leaves one dirty and tired, but changed.

Anonymous said...

CS Lewis addresses this in “The Last Battle”. In the chapter about going into the stable. One of the “enemies” who’s heart was fully devoted to serving his god is willing to give up his life to look upon the face of the one he serves. (and he does). Aslan addresses him in a later chapter which helped me to confirm and understand some of the things I was feeling.

I have great respect for CS Lewis. I think we can learn much, at times, from “children’s stories”.

D_Davis said...

Nice post. It is quite possible to find God through Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and through many other means. I believe that Carl Sagan found God within the cosmos. The verse doesn't say to seek God through Christianity, or any particular way except through earnestness.

God exists outside of the boundaries of religion. Why do we feel the need to confine God to a certain set of scriptures?

Kim - maybe Jesus meant to use his life as an example. Do what I do. Act like I act. Through this, you will find God. Jesus never once said to accept him into your heart as a personal Lord and Savior! That's a very modern idea.