Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I like to collect names for God besides the ones we so easily use. I have a good list going. Here is one I just added today:

I've changed my reading list. I just can't read anymore right now that has to do with theology outside of how it can affect me. I don't know if anyone will understand this. I have returned to an author who has so many times before spoken to deep places in me...Brennan Manning. I have just started "Ruthless Trust". When I saw this book sitting on the bookshelf I thought, "This is what I need right now, in this moment".

Here are just a couple of things that I will contemplate for the next several days:

"If God stopped thinking of me, he would cease to exist." Angelus Silesius-15th century

"The way of trust is a movement into obscurity, into the undefined, into ambiguity not into some predetermined, clearly delineated plan for the future." Manning

1 comment:

hsmypsn said...

i'm with you! i've read many of this guy's books. poignant and raw... i like it!