I often feel "inspired" to write something. Many times, I am just too lazy to act. I usually feel like it doesn't matter to anyone else, so why bother. And, I think, "This thought will pass with no effect" so just let it go.
On one of my many trips to the library, I checked out Joan Chittister's book "Called To Question". I read as much of her work as I can get my hands on. By the middle of the first chapter I knew I had to own this one, to add it to my library of Chittister, Benson, Norris and Nouwen. I wanted to be able to mark this book up good!
Early in the prologue, I found a quote that speaks for my heart as concerning writing.
Joan Chittister:
"Writing makes a person very vulnerable. It opens you to public criticism, to ridicule, to rejection. But it also opens conversation and thought. It stirs minds, and touches hearts. It brings us into contact with our souls. So how can it possibly be a waste of time, an idle act, a mistake, a betrayal of truth? Who can possibly tell us not to do it? '
I, myself, can't tell me not to do it. From the first blog I ever wrote, I have said that I do it for myself. The above speaks to this. It stirs my own mind; brings me into contact with my own soul.
So, I will once again attempt this.
If you are reading this, you will find for the next several posts I am caught up in Called To Question. That is where my mind will be as I post. I have just written Joan (with very little assurance that she will answer me). I shared some of my own deep question of walking this faith. Maybe it will have helped just to put it to paper (ok, screen).
Please feel free to join this conversation as I write. Here are the rules; actually just one: no name calling or labeling.
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