Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Same or Different?

I don’t like to write long blogs; mostly because I don’t like to read long blogs. However, I find what has been on my mind the last few weeks may not be something I can keep short. So, if you don’t want to read it, it’s ok. I need to get these things said for myself
I have always been a bit idealistic I think. I fear my views of this subject are highly idealistic but I can continue to hope and dream for the reality of it.
My heart grows continually sadder as I see more and more division in the body of Christ. I just don’t get it. First we have the fences that have been built between “them” and “us”. This refers to those of us who follow Christ and those who don’t; those who are religious and those who aren’t. I truly believe we are all on a spiritual journey. Some of us don’t recognize our lives as this journey. If we could encourage each other in the journey that is our lives we may find more and more people discovering the depth of their spirituality.
The next set of walls is the one between denominations. Why is it so difficult to see the body of Christ is joined together by the body and the blood of Christ? That most important commonality is really all that matters. How can there be so much enmity between denominations and churches and followers? We refuse to walk through the doors of another church. We fear what might be found within the doors of a “foreign” place. What if I am told something that is different than what I know thus far? We seem to have erected the fences of “them” and “us” even within the church.
Why is it so difficult to recognize there are many ways to worship? We give mental assent to each other’s faith but when we part ways we whisper to those who are like us that we just don’t see how those people can believe the way they do or why their church does the things it does. Is it possible to instead let the conversation be, “Wow, that’s really awesome that they follow God like that; that they find God in the way they worship.”
We have invented so many creeds that were never part of what The One Who Came taught. If we examine the things taught we find a very short list of what is required to live with faith. One of my favorite verses in the last few years is "...work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure". If we have faith and trust that God is the one who teaches, who leads, who is at work in each of us, can we not allow that God may have different ways of teaching and leading?
I had this thought last week and I will be pondering it for a while; trying to discover if it is real or not. What if we find God the way we need? This means God may come to me in the way I need right now. It may be a different appearance than yours. And, it may change from time to time (or constantly). This doesn’t mean God in his essence changes. If this mysterious God is interested first and foremost in being my guide on this journey of knowing God then wouldn’t that possibly manifest itself as very individualist as far as the way I daily worship and follow? What if God has the desire that I discover more of who he is through nature? Wouldn’t it be ok?
So, for me right now; the way I am finding more of who God is, is through the Eucharist. As I may go through days of wondering if I am hearing God or feeling that presence, I know that as I draw near to The Table I find Christ. I find the wonder, gentleness, creativity and joy of Christ in the wilderness. I like where I am right now in this journey.
The question remains….can I like where you are right now and can you see the value of where I am. I will say it again. All this separation and division really, really makes me sad. It just doesn’t make sense through the eyes of the One Who Is Above All Else or at least through my own eyes.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

now lift me into your arms as something precious
that you dropped
(from John of the Cross "This Earth is a Bow)

I am feeling I need to meditate on this image. I want to feel I am special and precious to God; not just one of many but uniquely and specially loved.

I think God has just remembered that he dropped me back there on the path. With the awareness of my absence he has come back looking for me. I am calling out to him so he can see where I have landed.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm cheating a little bit in my Breviary reading this week. I decided to take the daily prayers for the coming Sunday, Epiphany, and read one office a day. The first vesper's litany really got me. I think it will be my New Year's Resolution in the form of a prayer. I will be reading this prayer throughout the year.

Jesus, though born a child you reign as king. You have revealed in the flesh the marvelous love and power of our God. Accept our gifts and listen as we pray:
Jesus, grant us your salvation

God of the nations, you called the Magi as the first of the Gentiles to kneel before you; help us to honor you with praise and thanksgiving.

God of glory, you judge the peoples with justice, free the oppressed and break the power of the wicked.

God of peace, you shatter the weapons of war; give us peace til the moon fails.

God of Justice, you long to save the poor and the helpless; have pity on the lowly and sunder the chains of human slavery.

Eternal God, you are faithful from age to age; forever send your word into our hearts like snow on winter stubble.
